R U T G E R S U N I V E R S I T Y – N E W A R K

RU-N’s College of Arts & Sciences had a fledgling communications operation when I arrived in 2011. I created a strategic plan, developed complementary products across multiple platforms, oversaw the launch of a new website, continue to support our development team with editorial products that drive fundraising, write/shoot/edit articles appearing on college and university-wide platforms, manage media relations, and work with senior leadership across the university to engage key stakeholders and highlight important initiatives.


Alumni / donor newsletters

I wrote, shot and oversaw the design and production of a bi-annual 8-page newsletter for alumni and friends of the college. The concept was in support our development team, the design part of an overall visual identity I helped create for the college’s new communications plan starting in 2011.

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graduate program brochures

I created graduate-program recruitment brochures for several departments, helping hone their concept—then writing, editing, shooting, and overseeing design and production.

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weekly news & events e-newsletters

As part of the college’s new communications plan, I oversaw the design and production of a weekly email newsletter for faculty and staff. The image to the left reflects a new iteration matching a recent re-design of our website.

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